A simple, yet powerful service…
A Simple, Yet Powerful Service… And a Brilliant Concept for Earning Income From Anywhere Learn More – Click HERE
A Simple, Yet Powerful Service… And a Brilliant Concept for Earning Income From Anywhere Learn More – Click HERE
DIY Solar install on 2001 American Dream While I am not an electrical engineer, I do enjoy tinkering with all types of hands on tasks. I had previously built a couple of solar panels from parts I bought on ebay and while they did not provide the power I had hoped for, I was really …
In Search of… The PERFECT Campsite Good to catch up with you again! So much has happened since I left Casper, Wyoming on September 8 after a very successful summer selling (and learning more about) RV’s. In fact it went so well, I’m now heading a new initiative with Stalkups – an Internet Sales division! …
My first stop in Montana was Billings. A truly disappointing city. Traffic more resembled Northern New Jersey, but with less finesse (if that is possible!) I only stayed one evening ($48. for just a water/electric site at a campground called Yellowstone – no resemblance to the National Park! My main motivation for visiting Billings was …
So, I wanted a new “toy” – actually a tool that serves multiple purposes – check out the video below to see what I got… Yep, something new to keep me occupied as I travel – and to protect me… just incase. I like the fact that you can record experiences during your travels, share (and …
Yep, many travelers, RV’ers if you will, or those livin’ the RV Lifestyle have come rely upon laptops for access to many things – email, skype, Amazon (and other vendors), and for those earning a living on the road – many other needs – including connectivity to their business, the ability to create posts (like this one) and …
As I share these thoughts, I’ve been “on the road” now for about 42 months living as a “full time rv’er” and traveling across much of our amazing nation. In that time, I have met many RV’ers, fellow travelers who stay for various lengths of time at their chosen destination and then move onto explore …
Dateline May 24, 2015 – Casper, Wyoming (well at least the starting and ending point!) Memorial Day weekend “back home” was a time to “hit the shore” and hope for hot weather (and typically COLD ocean water)… what shore? Need you ask?! The Jersey shore! That was the Memorial Day weekend ritual of my youth …
Full Timing and RV Quality Quality is an important issue – especially to a full time RV’er. Spending time fixing poorly designed aspects of your RV is both expensive and a waste of time. I’ve been a “full timer” for about 42 months now and I gotta say, I have identified a few things on …
It failed on me for the last time! I went online and searched Google to see if my current challenge with my HP printer had been experienced by others – and… It had been! In fact there were dozens of reports of an inkjet failure in the very same model I had. After reading several …