Greetings from Platte River Campground

I’m writing this from Platte River Campground, just about 22 miles east of Casper, Wy. Platte River Campground is an interesting place – a mix of full time residents in full hookup sites and travelers in dry sites. I’m a traveler at the moment. I left Casper after a month, but I may return in a few weeks depending upon whether my colleagues start up a RV venture in town to replace the debacle known as Stalkups (long story!)

The area of the Platte River CG I’m in is actually much nicer than most state parks! And for $15. per night, its a great place to stay – even if you’re visiting Casper, you’re close enough without taking your rig into the (somewhat) urban area. My video below shows more…
In the video above, I mentioned a book “Earthing” – here’s an Amazon link to it, if you check it out, please do let me know your thoughts…

So… about my health –
Sixty years and a few months old – feeling pretty good – serving as a ski instructor, and on my 65th ski day of the winter… THEN in a flash on February 12th, everything changed. Here’s my original recounting of the experience – along with advice that frankly could help to save YOUR life should you ever face the unthinkable.
Its hard to believe that 3 full months have transpired since my heart attack this past winter, and with NO symptoms, the toughest thing is to NOT return to old habits (which weren’t that bad to begin with) and to REMAIN active. You see, I feel great – honestly. BUT… Of course the bills are now rolling in and I’m still working on how to pay for them. (I have a go-fund-me set up if you’re able and moved to assist with bills that now exceed $150,000. – yes insurance picks up most – but ONLY most.

Feeling good is wonderful, and I know I must remain vigilant – not only about the aforementioned issues, but about taking my meds – (one of which costs over $300/month.) The meds are important as they reduce the chances of the stents “clogging up” (as I understand it) and help my heart to continue to recoup and return to normal (its a blood thinner.) The stents are in the left anterior descending artery, which as I understand it is an important artery. The meds themselves do not change how I feel from day to day.
When my heart attack happened, it was amazing that I was cleared to return to the ski slopes literally 5 days after being released from the hospital and the stent procedure – but – the fact remains that based upon my troponin release after the heart attack, what occurred was a MODERATE heart attack, and one of my arteries was 100% blocked. So in many ways, I am blessed – and got lucky.
As I mentioned in my prior posts about my heart attack, perhaps the most important thing I did – that may have saved my life – was to LISTEN to my body and when I felt sensations that were both unpleasant and never occurred before, I headed right for medical help. Take this to “heart” for yourself if you ever experience anything like I did.
I’m pleased to report that I’ve maintained a good routine – even after the end of the ski season when my physical activity typically drops off. April 1st was my last day on the slopes, though I fully plan to return to Jackson Hole in a few months to do it all again! Since then, I’ve been traveling in my 5th wheel and the weather has cooperated and I’ve been able to take bicycle rides on 18 occasions averaging about 6-7 miles per ride, an on occasion up to 12 miles, soon to be more! For me this is an accomplishment as my bike is finally comfortable to ride after messing with it for about 2 years! (Its a long story – and will be the subject of an upcoming post here.)
In addition to regular bike rides, I have been kayaking a few times. The water is still COLD (upper 40’s) and sometimes the air isn’t much better (the other morning I got in the water when it was still 38F), BUT, the sun is strong. In fact, its hard to believe we’re just a few weeks from the Summer solstice and the most intense sun of the year as I awoke to two inches of snow on the ground to greet residents of Casper on May 1st!
As summer approaches, as I noted earlier, I’m back ‘on the road’ and plan to head from Glenrock, Wy to Saratoga where I love the hot springs, and there’s a nice lake to camp by and kayak in, then I’m aiming to return to Tough Creek Campground, and then time will tell – but I’m likely to return to Casper for a few months – in rv consulting for a new dealer. This is in addition to my own Concierge RV Buying Service. (<–This is a must read if you’re thinking of buying a camper!)
When (and if) I start working in Casper (for the summer), while I will be earning some much needed income (to meet my medical bills), I will have to “double down” on remaining vigilant about staying active as its all too easy to get totally absorbed in my work and then go home and become a couch potato.
Fortunately, days are long for much of the summer and even with a 6pm quitting time, I will have time to exercise – but again, I know I’m going to have to remain vigilant to remember to take meds! I still plan to “hit the road” again in September and get about 2 months of travel before returning to Jackson Hole in November.
As I write this today, it looks like spring has FINALLY arrived! Yesterdays snow, sleet and rain (on May 11) and temperatures in the 30’s will be replaced by a high exceeding 75F! I plan to get on my bike and ride a bit (ended up doing 6 miles.) I try to get at least 30 minutes of cardio each day. Preferably on the bike, and supplemented by the kayak, and an occasional walk as well!
In any case, in closing, THANKS for allowing me to share my journey. I welcome all feedback at the end of this post (or any of my posts at I’m currently sharing a series that shares my adventure across the Pacific Northwest last autumn and I’m going to share some thoughts (soon) on renting vs. buying a camper. Until then, you take care and I’m going to rest for the evening before I wake tomorrow and do it all over again!

Yep, we lived in Mt for 8 years and remember the annual rainfall average being 8″. We returned to my native Virginia where we average 54+” per year. Hoping you can find a nice lakeside site where you can enjoy paddling your kayak. Happy camping!
Absolutely! My latest campground (see my latest post on and soon a new post that will highlight it further. I’m leaving here in a couple of days for yet another (hopefully) spectacular spot – it will be a new one to me. Al
Just found your site and have been reading a few of your posts. Helpful wisdom. We are just now beginning to camp again after a 15 year hiatus. Bought a 2003 Holiday Rambler Presidential in immaculate condition from the original owner in January. Have had it out twice so far, and have not been disappointed.
More importantly, I’m also a heart attack survivor by the grace of God. I lived through the widow-maker after coding during a stress test at 40 years old. Triple bypass the next day. Second open heart surgery 7 years later to repair congenital heart defect putting me at risk for another heart attack. Have lived the last 14 years since my heart attack with greater perspective and purpose.
Praying for you as you learn your new normal. Sounds like you are off to a great start! Don’t abandon your meds too quickly, or at all if you can afford it. Lots of good heart meds that are generic now depending on your specific needs. JJust talk regularly with your cardiologist (part of your new normal).
Blessings to you, stay healthy, travel safe, and enjoy some warmer camping.
Wow, what a testimonial! You certainly entered this world at a young age (40)! Right now, I feel fine except with all the dealings with my health provider – and the bills that are now in and expecting payment. Its raining and cool again today, but today appears to be the end of it, and *hopefully* tomorrow will dawn with sunshine and see temperatures in the 60’s. After today I’m most definitely heading somewhere DRIER! Honestly, Wyoming has NEVER seen this much moisture. The past 2 days storm will end up dumping 2+ inches of rain on an area that probably gets about 10 inches ALL YEAR. And this is the 3rd or 4th major rain/snow storm of the spring.
I am glad to hear continued good reports abut your health. What RV dealer will you be working with? Outdoors RV?
Hey John, nothing is settled yet, so, I don’t yet know if/when I’ll be working for a dealer – or what that dealer will carry for product. As to Outdoors RV product, through my Concierge Buying Service, I can get Outdoors RV trailers (or anything else for that matter) without bias towards inventory on a dealers lot – and then negotiate best price for the buyer. You can see more here –
ALAN.wishing you the best of good health.
thank you for your kind words.
My husband had quad bypass in November. He was primed for a major heart attack. His heart surgeon told us to watch the video on Netflix, Forks Over Knives. It can help you get off those expensive meds. Good luck.
thanks for the advice; and forks over knives makes good sense. as to the meds – that won’t change until feb 2020 when i can stop taking the anti-platelet med. that’s doctors orders.
Alan – Continue taking care of yourself. I’ve learned a lot from you in the 3 short months I’ve known you. People care about you!
Thanks so much Gregg. Tomorrow I’m off to Saratoga for some soaking in their healing hot springs! Al
Best of luck to you, maybe we will meet in one of those campgrounds you mentioned in the future!
thank you and likewise