
Contact me!

I’m here to help, talk, and just bounce ideas off me

The BEST ways to reach me are…


Via phone – well text is best – 1-307-269-2546 – but if its important, call me

39 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hello again,
    I’m circling back regarding the article idea I presented to you recently. I’m keen to know if you’ve had an opportunity to review it.
    Just to refresh your memory, the proposed topic is how to create an edible landscape that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I’m confident that delving into this subject could engage your readers and enrich your site’s content.
    Would you kindly share your thoughts on this matter? Your input is highly valued.
    Thank you for your kind consideration!
    Emma C of

    ~By the way, if you’d like for me to write on a topic of your choice, please send your idea my way! Or, if you don’t want to hear from me again, just let me know.

    • Emma,

      Feel free to PRIVATELY email me regarding this. I’m not sure however “edible landscapes” are relevant to RV travelers. At most, an RV’er can typically do some indoor garden growing (like an aero-garden or growing broccoli sprouts (I personally do both) – but neither can be described as a “landscape”. Alan

  2. Hello,
    We have a 2007 Forrest River Salem 27ft and have been living in it for 12 years. We have upgraded the air conditioner, water heater and about to do a few more upgrades. I checked on line what this trailer is worth today and was shocked at how expensive things are but to my advantage. However, finding a deal with either a sale of ours to compensate for another used one is quite difficult. We just missed an opportunity today. I looked on Craigs List and was amazed at the prices of such bad looking and old trailers that I knew finding one to upgrade would take me too long to do by myself. I would love to hear about your services and if you could help me out.

  3. We used the sell/buy service Al offers and it is well worth it. We would recommend it to anyone who is interested in either or both services. Thanks Al!

  4. Evening Alan.
    I’ve been following you from time to time over the past several years. I enjoy your travels and thoughts on the industry.
    That brings me to my question. I’m getting ready to get a new rv and I’m very interested in both Outdoors RV and Arctic Fox. They seem very similar in build and I want to be able to boondock. Do you have a preference between the 2(even though they’re built almost identically)? And do you think their TT would hold up well for full time living? I have a one ton dually but not sure I can afford the price of their 5er. Thanks.

    • Scott,

      You may be aware that I’m living in an ORV 5th wheel full time – so, YES, they’re going to hold up well with FT living. I prefer ORV over AF only because of the interiors which are commonly regarded as nicer. The market as you may be aware is turning – and if you’re interested in my Concierge Buying Service (, I will work with you to select the right model and negotiate to get you the best price on a camper. I’ve spent the past few days speaking with dealers to get the latest pulse on the rv market, and I now believe I know where things are at – and perhaps where we’re heading.


  5. Hello Alan,
    My wife and I are wanting to upgrade from our pop-up to a “hard-sided” trailer and I am wanting to know your thoughts on the Coleman Lantern LT series. I’m considering the 17-19 footer with bunks. I have mostly tent-camped all my life, but since marrying my wife, I need to get into what I call a “not-so-rough” way of camping and I am new to the Camper Trailer market. I want to keep a small budget because we’ll only use it 4 or 5 times a year. I appreciate your advice.

    • Emilio,

      I like your idea to move to a hard shell camper; the Coleman is most definitely NOT the answer. Coleman brings good quality to mind when you think about stoves & lanterns – BUT – the Coleman CAMPER has NOTHING to do with THAT coleman!! I would AVOID them at all cost. I encourage you to contact me (307 269 2546 – Mountain time) and I will be glad to discuss FAR better options for the same $$ as the coleman. You can also see what I do at Thanks, Al

  6. There’s a potential that my family and I are moving for a job again and are considering go to RV full time. We have two small kids and are wondering the best way to go about selecting an RV and this G4S along those lines.


    • Casey,

      I have some ideas but need to learn more. How can we best talk? I can be reached at 307 269 2546 (central time), but I have a weak cell signal where I live at this time. I often make calls when I’m in town – if you’d like, email me privately ( OR text me at the above number with your number and I’ll call you on my next visit to town (which will be later today.) I’m also going to reply via another email to ensure you receive this.


  7. We’re looking at buying A new Vanleigh either a Beacon or Vilano…for full time living….the new RK floor plan. Besides the paint, what are the differences between the Beacon and Vilano?

  8. Hi Alan,
    We currently just use our RV part time as we have a Park Model in CO and a small home in TX.
    My question is we have a 2018 285RLS Baja Edition Jayco trailer and owe around 20K on it. Are we that far upside down. I know your opinion of Jayco and I feel the same but my wife loved the couples floorplan.
    Would now be a good time to sell.
    I would like to get into an Outdoor RV or Arctic Fox small fifthwheel.

    • Bob,

      Thanks for reaching out. I’m assuming you have a Jay Flight SLX “tin sided” camper (285RLSW) as I share values with you. If you sell the camper yourself, you *might* command 20k or close to it. The time to sell WAS 1-3 months ago, BUT, there’s still a bunch of buyers, although its slowing every week as we move into autumn. I can certainly help you with the sale of your Jayco and then the subsequent purchase of an ORV (or AF). My service is detailed here – – feel free to call me to discuss further (307 269 2546). If you go to a dealer, despite the numbers they’ll show you, they’re actually valuing your jayco at about $12k.


  9. Alan,
    Been following you for quite some time. I know you have researched kayaks but couldn’t find your results. My wife and I are leaving in our Class A for the mountain where you have been and would like to have a double kayak with us. We are looking at the Sea Eagle SE370 but wondered if you have any ideas you would like to share.
    Dennis Emory

  10. Al,
    Hope you are well. Enjoy your videos.
    Any tips for me on going to multiple states & ski resorts next winter in a teardrop style RV? Do the RV parks you mention in these areas have restrooms and shower facilities i can use? Any recommendations on best heaters for a teardrop trailer. As well as any other tips you can think of.

    • Edward,

      First of all, happy Easter! Just finished a “Ressurection Day” Online Service, and now attending to some messages – Most of the RV parks in my post do have restrooms. Of course, next winter, depending upon the status of this china virus and our ability to fight it, restrooms may or may not be open. Right now, most RV parks that are open are NOT opening their restrooms. And yes, restrooms typically have shower facilities. So, the short answer is call each when the time gets nearer and see what their status is.

      In a teardrop RV, my greatest concern is staying warm. The best portable electric heater I’ve found is the Soleil ( It heats my living room area VERY well. Last night, when temperatures dropped to 15F, it kept the room close to 70F! I’d say the room is about 250 sq ft. Are you planning to keep water in the plumbing? If so, you’re going to need to heat the underbelly region as well unless your furnace does this (unlikely in a tear drop trailer.) If you have not yet purchased a trailer, I can recommend a true 4 season trailer that WILL handle the conditions you plan to camp in quite well AND has a LARGE fresh water tank – another important feature that will enable you to stay in some ski area parking lots and dry camp! All the best and thanks for your kind words, Al

  11. Al,
    We own a Glacier Peak F26RKS and have loved it. We are exploring upgrading to a slightly larger rig after having ours a couple years now. What’s going on at ORV? They have only the two floorplans now and no full profile units. As a result I started looking at other manufacturers and have whittled it down to a Jayco Pinnacle 32RLTS which is a new floor plan for them. Thoughts on Pinnacle? What is going on at ORV?

    • The short answer is ORV is selling trailers that their dealers are able to sell. That is, all the travel trailers are selling far better than 5th wheels. As a small company, they have to produce what they can sell. The larger Glacier Peaks simply put were not selling. I have thoughts on this and have shared them with their General Manager, but regardless, for now, they’re limiting their 5th wheel offerings.

      Now, as to viable options – Arctic Fox is due a complete refresh (rumored) for 2020. If you can wait, I would encourage that. The Pinnacle looks good – but – Jayco is now a Thor company and has had some quality control issues.

      How soon do you want a new one? Have you reviewed my concierge service info?


  12. We are attempting to wade through all types of information on 5th wheels. We live in Ohio and plan on traveling a few weeks at a time. Our drawback is finding a quality model that travels well. Your information is great. Are there manufacturers/models that you would/could recommend that are available in the midwest?

    • What price range do you want to be in? How many will be living in the trailer? What kind of truck are you pulling with? With this info I can provide specifics.

    • I’m going to estimate Fall 2018 (October?) I am sure it will be a high quality trailer for part time use. I would not recommend it for full time use, especially with 2+ living in it, perhaps its ok with 1 living in it. For full time use, I’d recommend what I’m in – the 30RLS. If you study the difference between the two – the bedroom in the 30RLS has a much larger clothes closet & more storage space. As to price, I’d bet high 50’s to high 60’s depending upon how its outfitted. I should tell you that if you’re looking for an Outdoors RV 5th wheel, what dealers have now is likely what they’ll have for the summer season as the next run for all Glacier Peaks is looking like Autumn. Right now, the dealer I work with has a 30RLS, 30RKS (titanium) and a 26RKS. When they sell, they’re done until Autumn! Where in the nation are you Herbert? Al

  13. I’m reaching out to find a companion to travel with income a man can fix minor things and have a good time.going back east to my do some work on less to acres of my familys property let me know i want to go now yea road trip.lets do it.

  14. Hey Al, I stumbled across you while searching on youtube. Love your videos and info on your website.
    I’m a 57 yo firefighter of Houston Tx. I live in Brenham Tx, home of Blue Bell Ice Cream. Best ice cream in the country. Lol!
    I am planning on retiring next year and want to buy a 5th wheel. I did have a 5th wheel picked out partly on price and floor plan and interior design. You have blown that out of the water with the Outdoor rv trailers. Never heard of them. Love the way they are built with the foam insulation. Closest dealer to me is in Colorado or Arizona. Neither have much of an inventory. I looked up the dealer you work at and they don’t list them on their website even though I think I read where you said they carry them. I am not opposed at getting a good used one and not opposed at traveling a ways to get it.
    I also looked up the Augusta rv but the floor plans I saw were to long for what I want. I didn’t see anything under 38 ft. Also price was more than the Outdoors, probably because they’re bigger and more luxurious. So they’re out for me.
    Thanks again for all the info you provide and look forward to reading more of your site to learn as much as I can before buying.
    Michael Parks

    The trailer I was interested in was the Grand Design Reflection series.
    Not sure of model no. but in the 30 to 33 ft. size

    • Michael,

      Thanks for reaching out. We list the Outdoors RV trailers by their series (CreekSide, TimberRidge, Blackstone, Glacier Peak <-- these are the 5th wheels). Currently we are sold out on the Glacier Peak 5th wheels, but I expect to receive a few in September. If you visit the company website, you can see the F30RLS and F30RKS - those are the pieces coming in. And... thanks for recognizing a truly superior product!


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