Thinking of purchasing a new RV Camper in 2021? Thoughts and insights from a fellow traveler who has his thumb on the pulse of the RV industry…

2021 arrives after unprecedented action in the RV sales world in 2020 – a buying frenzy and new camper shortages. Now as we enter 2021, manufacturers are back “online” and producing, but is everything returning to normal? Read on…

RV Life and being independent…OR – How independent are you REALLY in your RV Camper?

It was a cold, early winter evening in southeast Idaho. The outside temperature was about 10oF and was anticipated to fall below zero by dawn – still many hours in the future. It is nights like these where, as an experienced winter RV’er, I know I need to keep the furnace running frequently to ensure …

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Electric RV Accessories

SURGE PROTECTORS – GENERATOR – SOLAR PANELS When it comes to surge protectors – this is NOT a place to cut corners! All it takes is ONE electric surge from sloppy RV Park electrical wiring OR from lightning and your RV’s electrical system & electronics ARE TOAST. And… good luck claiming it as warranty! No …

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