In light of (rapidly) rising fuel prices, is RV travel still a realistic option? How as an RV’er can you best control your costs and expenses?
Allow me to begin with this thought – things look bleak, REAL bleak across our nation (and the globe), BUT I remain OPTIMISTIC. Why? Simply put, I believe that peace and abundance will prevail across our nation… SOON. BUT – prior to the arrival of peace and abundance, we ARE going to go through a VERY rough patch, what follows is a recap of my winter and then some thoughts on “cost containment” while you enjoy the RV life.
I hope for this to be an ONGOING DIALOGUE about RV’ing and RV life
First, I think we’re looking at a rough patch lasting months – not years and I’d be glad to hold individual discussions with folks as to why I see what’s coming a “short lived.” Please know that on my website you have my contact info AND every post on this website has a “leave a comment” box – at the end of the post.
Simply put, I’d WELCOME a dialogue with you rather than see this as a sterile post that people read but then there’s no ongoing dialogue. ESPECIALLY as we find ourselves in a VERY volatile situation where predicting what’s on tap for the coming weeks and months is nearly impossible. So, please… USE THE “leave a comment” box below – lets talk and have a civil exchange of ideas.
Realities that RV Travelers face in the coming weeks, months (and years?)
I listen to many different sources of information. Interestingly, what has been classified as “fringe information” has rapidly moved to “mainstream and accepted” by many. The realities we face include (rapidly) rising fuel costs – this morning (March 11) I paid 4.999 for diesel to top off my tank and considered myself LUCKY for buying in the morning as it appears fuel will be about 5.50 by this evening. How far will this go? No one knows, but I would NOT be surprised to see 7.00 or even 8.00 per gallon for diesel before we hit a “breaking point.” Hmmm…and what will THAT look like?
Note: Its now 3/16 – it always takes me several days complete a post! Oil has retreated (temporarily) 30% and fuel has stopped rising (hasn’t fallen any!!) – but – I stand by the prior paragraph, we’re not done with rising costs as I see it.
Wait – there’s more (as the infomercials say) – rising fuel costs impact FAR more than just you and I. Truckers costs are rising and guess who ultimately picks up the tab for these costs? AND… since oil is in almost everything we use today (from clothing to shampoo to plastic pill bottles, etc.) and since oil prices have risen 50+% in just a few months, the cost of manufacturing products will skyrocket (in addition to the cost to transport them) – again – who do you think will bear these increased costs?
If you’re answer is you and I, you’re spot-on.
So… WHY AM I OPTIMISTIC? AND… IS RV Travel & the RV Lifestyle still a realistic option for part-time and full-time travelers?
Bear with me, I’m getting there! First, please allow me to share my recent winter ’21-22 “rv life experiences.”
I am nearing the end of my winter at 7200 ft. experience near Pinedale

I’ve been near Pinedale, Wyoming since late October. In the next week or two I plan to move on to a lower elevation where I can start biking and kayaking earlier than I could ever hope to do here. In fact, as I write this. literally two mornings ago (March 9th) we had record cold with a morning low of -24F!
Summarizing this winter here, I’d say “bleh!” White Pine Ski Area turned out to be a bust. Between the fact that they don’t make snow and we had 1 storm in early January of any great significance – and – I had issues with certain management (ski school) practices, I turned in my jacket in February.

The town remains a place I like, Heart and Soul Cafe, the PAC (aquatic center), and the coffee shop are three of the towns highlights for me. The Ridleys here (the closest thing to a grocery store) is truly an embarrassment and the next town to which I head WILL have a real grocery store! Lately, I’ve taken to driving to Jackson or Rock Springs (about 85-90 miles in either direction) to get to a Krogers (Smiths) to get decent produce and meat, rather than shop here in town.
Getting to the point… Does the RV Life and RV Lifestyle REMAIN a VIABLE choice?
Short answer: YES. Now to elaborate…
The winter is ending – but I continue to wear my SCOTTeVEST almost every day! I’m on my second now and I think this new one is constructed even better than the Fireside Vest I purchased about 4 years ago. This is an incredibly versatile garment as SCOTTeVESTs “claim to fame” is providing great storage within each garment without making the garment wile still looking stylish.
RV Travel: Pacing Yourself to control your RV lifestyle expenses…
I’ve been on the road now for 10+ years. In that time, I’ve stayed in one location for as little as one night, or as long as about 6 months. When you stay a month or longer, in many (most) campgrounds you get the best rates. This is true mostly in private campgrounds as most National and State Parks along with county, BLM, Bureau of Reclamation, etc. do not permit stays over 14 nights (if that.)
Many private campgrounds have raised their rates during the past couple of years. Nightly stays are now OFTEN near or over $50., weekly over $300., but monthly (even including the electric which is often metered) remain at $500. – 650. at many campgrounds. So, staying “long term” (monthly or longer) is definitely your best value.
Further, once you’re “camped” (parked) at a campground, ideally you have more fuel efficient ways to travel locally, or at least if you’re in a 5th wheel (or any towable) like I am, your truck/vehicle gets better fuel economy when you’re NOT towing!
So, for me, I plan to do more monthly stays between April and October than I have in the past. My winter stays have traditionally been in ski country, so, I’ve been stationary between November and March 31. In other words, during my “travel season”, I’m trading in nightly and weekly stays for monthly stays to save both camping fees and travel (fuel) costs. My first stay will be in a small town in Northern Utah – and much of my travel in town will be with my trike. The town is about 1800 ft. lower elevation than where I am now, and I’ll be trading afternoon’s in the 30’s and low 40’s for the mid to upper 50’s – with of course warmer weather to come!
IF you DO engage in “short term” RV travel, here’s a MONEY SAVING deal I have personally used…
Boondockers Welcome is a program that offers FREE stays (many with electric hookups now – a nominal fee is encouraged for using the hosts electric!) for up to 3 days (and in some cases 5 days.) Use my code when enrolling “RVAcrossAmerica15” to save 15% AND know that they are having a significant membership rate increase on May 1 – so, take care of this soon! Boondockers Welcome recently merged with Harvest Hosts, so you’ll have the option of adding the HH access once you join. Personally, I find BW to be plenty! Again – I LIKE this program and the entire philosophy behind it, and I’ve personally used it.
Additional RV’ing Tips: BE PREPARED! Yep, its the Boy Scout motto, its also important in surviving during the current times we live in.
I just had an oil, fuel filter, and air filter change on my 2015 F250 diesel truck. I learned a few things from the shop I visited that will help me to prepare –
First, I paid about $550. for the work, probably about $175. more than it cost just 6-12 months ago! Second, I shared I have a new truck on order and IF it shows up, would having spare parts “on hand” be a good idea? The shop diesel mechanic shared that fuel filters for the newer (at least) Ford truck are on back order and it would be wise to have some stored in my camper along with oil filters and air filters.
I’ve already adopted this approach with my camper as I have spare parts for my furnace (sail switch, limit switch, mother board), for my refrigerator (mother board, thermistor) and for my water pump (an extra one.) It is clear there ARE supply shortages and you’d be wise to have these spare but necessary parts ‘on hand.’
Stock up – even full timers can do this
I’m always amazed at how much storage I have in my camper. Make room for extra food, first aid supplies, water/water filtration, protection (defense) and medicines. Ask yourself tough questions like, “what if?” the power gets shut off… the banks close for a period of time… the markets have no food… and then ask yourself, can you survive 2 weeks? 4 weeks? 6 months? without these services? Please do NOT be swayed by the “normalcy bias!”
In my camper, I have in some ways a leg up on “stix and bricks” dwellers as I have solar power, a generator, and a fridge that runs on electric or gas. The key is to remain nimble, ready to adapt to whatever comes our way! Not to sound cliche, but we’re in this together and forming local alliances would be a wise move as well wherever you are.
If you’re in the market to buy (or sell) an RV…
Many of my readers know that I offer a Concierge RV Buying and Selling Service. As you can imagine, the RV market is evolving rapidly as I write you. I currently have two active clients selling with me and several (5) who are buyers. The rapid move in fuel costs (and everything else) is changing the environment. Sellers are discovering that the very solid “sellers market” has slowed significantly. I’m seeing far less interest from buyers on these units and the sellers are being asked to drop asking prices quickly.
As to my buyers, some are putting their plans “on hold” and others are (with my guidance) seeing we can negotiate far more aggressively than just a few weeks ago. This trend is NOT universal yet, and I attribute some of this to the “normalcy bias” on the part of sellers, but if fuel prices continue to rocket upwards, buyers will be in a far better position to “make a great deal” than the could have last autumn (or for that matter for the past two years since May 2020.) I am continually in touch with “those in the know” and am following the situation closely.

In closing I promise to soon…
Provide you with a review of the hiboost cell signal gain system I purchased in October. I’ve done extensive research and I think you’ll be pleased with the detail I provide to show what it is and what it does. And, of course, there will be more to come!
If you like my content, please do subscribe below to be notified of future posts and updates.
I made some changes in my travels to offset rising prices.
1. Going to get a temporary job in South Dakota. I am there June, July August, should be easy to find.
2. Tackling more maintenance items on my own. I am in Oregon, taking advantage of no sales tax. Stocked up on a few things and needed new house batteries. Also bought product to replace all wiper and bulb seals. Kudos to Steele Rubber, a phone call gave me the confidence to tackle that.
3. I have a water intrusion on my slide. Rubber Roof and caulk (and help from a friend, who guided me while I did most of the work). Even at 70, I climb a ladder with ease. I also learned how to take out a window and re seal.
At a cost of $139-$185/hour for a service tech, saved myself a bundle.
I use RVParky to plan my route. I am leaving OR on April 21, heading to CA to empty my storage (worst mistake, cost me a bundle). Then on to NV, UT, CO, WY to SD. My original plan started last October. I am staying with a friend in CA, no charge. I was going to boondock 2 nights, hook up one night and so on. Now, boondocking 5 nights, camp 3, boondock 2, camp 2, boondock 2 more to SD. Seeing friends along the way.
I do all of this on under $1,700/month. Winter in OR (Nov-April), summer in SD (June-Aug) and various places on other months.
That includes Park fees, Insurance, Fuel, Phone, DishTV, food and essentials. I sew a lot, fabric not included in the $1,700.
It can be done, I just have to pay more attention to detail. I might exceed my fuel budget one month but trim costs in other ways.
I am friends with one RV Park owner and two different camp hosts. They are seeing some cancelations but more are extending their stay to a week in lieu of daily, or out to a month. My summer rate went from $630 to $750, my winter rate, $450-$550.
All in all, this is my life. I didn’t let Covid restrictions stop me in anyway, I just remained flexible and positive, it will all work out.
I have enjoyed your insight into the RV World.
Lanelle, AKA The Funky Traveler
Good for you! Thanks for the detailing of what you’ve done. I’m sure this will help others to move forward. If I can summarize your actions its self-reliance, handle repairs yourself rather than hiring out, and stick with monthly stays instead of daily or even weekly.
Enjoy the lifestyle,
To help save on traveling cost I use wind speed app. I try only to move when we have no wind or a wind to push us. You lose a lot of mpg fighting a head wind. We also are not moving as much.
Interesting, however thats just one more thing I’d have to think about before hitting the road! But… thanks for sharing that. Al
As always, excellent thoughts and comments here. We also believe that used RV’s will come down in price as fuel and interest rates go up! (That is the plan at least as we continue to look for the DP that is right for us). We also appreciate all the help that you have given us and totally recommend this concierge service to others thinking about buying or selling a RV.
We also have a “Ledger”, (cold wallet) and strongly recommend that approach if getting into NFT’s and Crypto. Way too much “scamming” going on right now as people navigate this space. I think Coinbase works well if just buying crypto.
Thanks for your kind words and I’m glad my Concierge services were of help to you. As to crypto, I have “exodus” as a wallet, and plan to learn more about it in the near future – but – I will look into Ledger. Al
Thanks for your advise and thoughts!
thank you Terry!
Any suggestions for finding an honest trailer hauler? I’m not able to stay longer then 6 months at a time here in Calif. So,I’m thinking Ore. would be a better choice. But with the price of fuel I may as well sell my fifthwheel and buy smaller. My fifthwheel outweighs my 1500 truck. Any thoughts?. I have to move on by May.
Thank you, Allen
Gwen, when you say “honest” are you saying “good quality, well built”? When you say “trailer hauler” do you mean “toy hauler”? Please call me at 307 269 2546 so we can talk. When you do call, please know the towing capacity of your 1500 truck as they range from 4000 to 12000 pounds.
You’re right that a 5th wheel is a VERY POOR match for a 1500 truck, I generally recommend a 2500 (diesel preferred) to pull a 5th wheel. I don’t want to sell you on my services, but I believe you WILL benefit from them in several ways. Please see details here as to what I do –
Thank you for your optimism. It’s truly appreciated. Your insight and advice have served us well. Would love to hear your opinion on crypto and who to trust when purchasing it.
i have some crypto, i’m far more confident about silver & gold and I do have someone I can recommend to you on silver/gold purchases – contact me privately for his information. You can call me at 307 269 2546. The reason I’m more confident on silver/gold is I believe they have a “floor” (based upon mining costs) they will not fall below – especially silver – and that floor is within 20% of the current price.
As for crypto’s – i opened a coinbase account to get started, but since then i’ve gone deeper with accounts with exodus and atomic wallet, and i plan to get an “offline” wallet soon. I have some $$ in crypto, but realize their true value is $0. – so I wouldn’t bet the farm on it!