AND… A truly inspiring drive at the end of a patriotic day
I’m starting to write this post on August 29th. This past week in SW Montana saw our FIRST FREEZE (yep, in AUGUST), and many mountain tops saw their first accumulating snowfalls (yep, TWO of them!) They were light accumulations, however it definitely whitened the ground at about 9500 ft. and higher.

As the weather begins to make marked changes, I’m prepping to move on from Anaconda. As many of my readers know, I’m NOT your typical RV’er. I aim to spend my winters at high elevation near great skiing. This winter is shaping up to be no exception!
My winter destination? UTAH. I promise to get more specific in the coming weeks.
Note: As usual, “life happens” and I’m running behind in getting this post out. I do try to include inspiring video and photos and that takes time! I’ve been BACK on the road now for about a week, I’m in Pinedale, Wy. and I already have more travel and rv life related stories to share. So, without any further excuses, allow me to get back to the meat of my “last days in Anaconda” post and share some things about my time there that made an impression…
Winter is Coming – do you have a reliable, well made RV skirt?
As the weather turns cooler, its nearing “rv skirting season.” I’ve had mine for about 7 years now. Not only is it holding up well, its 100% functional! It even served me in the summer with a “spare garage” (see below) Learn more about my RV skirting choice HERE. It’s nice to have in the summer and VITAL in the winter!

Late summer and my last days in Anaconda have been a very busy time for me…
I just came back from a patriotic event… a Rodeo! I find them truly relaxing and yes, I enjoy the home grown American spirit exhibited by both attendees and competitors alike. My video highlights my drive back from the Boulder Rodeo. I will have a post in the coming weeks about the rodeo itself.
Worthwhile Experiences in and around Anaconda, Montana
Over the past few weeks I visited several sites that I plan to share with you “in due time.” So, I’m not done with “Montana RV Life related posts!” These sites include Elkhorn State Park (ghost town.) Montana Mining Museum (Montana Tech) AND an ACTUAL mine (down to 100 ft. depth level.) The Berkeley Pit (above ground mining location.)

I will also be sharing what I learned from Ken McGrath – an actual miner from the “Gallus Frame era” (which ended in 1976.) Boulder and Deer Lodge Rodeo’s. Deer Lodge museums (Old Prison, car museum and more.) East Fork Reservoir and attempting to paddle in Moose Lake. Lastly, updated info and photos of the Merry Widow Mine and RV Park. I will create a link to my post on this place once I update the post (soon.) I may even recall more as I begin to prep posts for these experiences.

Preparing the trailer (fifth wheel) for travel…
Steps I have taken include: (after 10 months stationary)
- Checking trailer tire pressure – one tire was down 30% from ideal, one down 7%, two were “spot on!”
- Replacing the anode in the hot water heater (should be done 1-2x each year) & rinsing out the hw heater
- Stowing my “summer skirting” – its the front piece I use for security and “garage” storage
- Checking the roof for any needed repairs/maintenance – none was needed!
- Spraying the slide seals to keep them “supple” (and water tight!)
- Speaking with my likely RV campground where I’ll spend November through March (and April?)
- Checking battery water levels
I’m sure there are a few more tasks including cleaning out the camper before making new messes!
Weather variability
It’s now August 31st. I’m in Butte for the farmers market. I was thinking about a bike ride this morning as Anaconda is really good for street riding, however, the smoke has moved back in. Actually, it moved in with vengeance! Air quality reports are indicating conditions are unhealthy and likely to remain so in SW Montana for the next few days.

It turned very warm again (mornings near 40, afternoons in the mid-80’s) and will remain so until Tuesday, the day after Labor Day. This is my planned departure day and my journey south. There is supposed to be a cold frontal passage on Tuesday and temperatures will at best reach the low 70’s.
On my way to Dillon and then…
RV Camping “on the cheap” –
Just south of Dillon is the Clark Canyon Reservoir. Managed by the Bureau of Reclamation, this is primarily a dry camping region and is FREE for up to 14 day stays. I expect to spend 2 nights before heading to Idaho Falls. “IF” has a park along the Snake River called South Tourist Park. It offers boondocking for $18 per night. South Tourist Park is located just 2 miles from downtown-historic Idaho Falls.
My primary motivation for visiting IF? The farmers market! I expect to be there on Saturday September 7. I will visit the vendors whom I got to know last summer and load up as I likely turn towards Alpine and then Pinedale Wyoming.
UPDATE: I spent 3 nites in Clark Canyon, much more about that GREAT RV camping site in an upcoming post. AND… I opted to pass on the South Tourist Park in IF – why? Homelessness problem and CRIME. Yep, even in Idaho Falls! More on my solution soon.

As I leave Anaconda…
I don’t stay in too many places for this length of time. I have made some friends and connections here. But life is about change, so I’m prepared to move on. Overall Anaconda is a good place. Trevor and Derrick, the owners of the Hangout (Trevor is also the pastor at Revive Church) run a great establishment. They recently moved into a larger building. The Hangout is now a real diner! I understand that by the time you read this, they will have expanded to a 6 day schedule. Their food is very well prepared and high quality.
The Coffee Corral is a good place to sit and write. Electric outlets abound! The girls working there are attentive and friendly.
The town pool has closed. Overall it was a very good experience. They did have some significant pump and heater problems at times this season. Yes, the water is HEATED! Typically to about 89F. Of course at 46 North and 5300 ft., without a boiler, the water would be way too cold except for younger kids!
Steve the barber at Forgotten Times Barber Shop provides a great service, does a great job and is always good for interesting conversation. It really is modeled after the barber shops in the center of town in the 1950’s.
Copper Court RV Park has proven to be a solid RV park with reliable services and easy access in/out to travel about. For those wishing to have and needing full hookups its clearly one of the best choices in this region. AND… it is NOT adjacent to railroad tracks and the “4:30am train horn!”
I will miss the ski terrain at Discovery. I will NOT miss the ownership or management. If and when that changes, who knows… perhaps I’ll return!
Butte should not be left out…
As I write this portion of the post, I’m in the Miners Cafe on Park St. in Butte. The farmers market is ongoing outside and I already have all the fresh greens I need to carry me until Idaho Falls! I really do appreciate the freshness of what the providers bring to the market. The market runs every Saturday morning from early May through early October. It is not as big as Idaho Falls, but the population here is lower as well.
Closing Thoughts (for now)…
The story is ongoing. Now that I’m back “on the road”, as I noted earlier, I will have more stories to share (and thoughts and insights about RV’s and RV’ing in general.) Please stay tuned! If you haven’t joined my newsletter, please feel free to do so below. Also, I read and respond to all comments. So… leave your comments below (please!)
Oh and a quick Concierge RV Buying and Selling Service update…
I have several clients currently. Most are sellers (shocker!) Occasionally I have a buyer contact me and when that happens, I sharpen my negotiating skills to get them the best possible price. You see, sellers are finding fewer and fewer buyers, so true deals CAN be made. As your concierge, often I have to educate the seller to the real market conditions to get my buyer the best price.
If you’re looking to sell your camper, I will help you construct the best photos to represent your camper and write an ad that is accurate, very readable, and informative. I will also advise you on REALISTIC pricing you can expect to sell your camper for and the best asking price to start out with. More details on my service can be found HERE.