A solar powered RV? Here is the “HOW”…

One of the “things I do” is moderate a Facebook group on “RV Life and How to Earn a Living on the Road” The group has a fairly open format where discussions often wander from earning a living to just plain ‘ol great ideas for RV’ers, and in particular how to save money on the …

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RV life – a quick science lesson about climate and a building heatwave

As we approach the July 4 holiday weekend, still a few days away, I trust you are enjoying your RV Life wherever you are! While this post is relevant to all; it is particularly relevant to RV’ers! You see, we are so connected with our surroundings just beyond the (thin) walls of our traveling home, …

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Welcome to RV Across America (dot) net

Welcome to RV Across America (dot) net! I created this site for YOU! It is a passion for me to create effective, entertaining, useful and informative websites. This is the third in my efforts. I welcome your feedback as you review the “pages” and “posts” (in english: articles)! I prepared an RV Across America welcome …

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