Evans Campground – Roosevelt National Recreation Area
It’s late afternoon, the sun is playing hide and seek with clouds, the breeze is quite present as I sit lakefront at a site with a million-dollar view – and its all mine for the next week (or so)! I’m here to enjoy the pristine environment, paddle a-lot and test out my new 200 watt solar panels to see if I really can be self-sufficient – especially at this latitude with days that are NOT featuring “wall to wall sunshine”. The solar panels will be my only energy source. I have a 450 watt inverter to charge important things like my laptop! (Incidentally, I’m going to have a full report on these panels soon.)
Literally, there is NO ONE else in the campground at this time. It would be eerie except for the fact that I have the radio running in the background courtesy of a STRONG 4g Verizon signal.

Camping in Northeastern Washington State
Evans Campground is lakefront to the lake/river system created by the Grand Coulee Dam (and others) that trap water here in Washington State and make for a very long, linear park with a wealth of camping and recreation sites. I will be releasing a post soon that details the various camping options and what size campers can fit into each.

I’d describe my location as FAR northeastern Washington, in fact there is only ONE town (Northport) between my location and the Canadian Border about 25 miles “up” the road. In fact, I will likely take a day and go to Rossland, BC, if for no other reason to dream of skiing Red Mountain again (at some point!) There’s also a great hot springs near there that I visited must be about 20 years ago.

The nearest town is Kettle Falls, as their sign says, home to 1640 friendly folks and one grouch! I’m about 10 miles north of Kettle Falls.
Autumn is coming
I’m wearing 2 heavy shirts, still in shorts (of course) as temperatures are in the low 60’s and with a persistent breeze off the water, its almost chilly. In fact, FROST is in the forecast! So, as I write this on Sept. 11, its the first day that I can say actually feels autumnal.

The weather reminds me that if you’re a traveler (like me) and spend winter where it gets cold, you may appreciate my report on my skirting project from last winter (and its ready to go again this winter when I settle in somewhere.) Simply put, if you are considering a RV skirt, I found THE guys to deal with.
I actually LOVE this time of year – days are getting noticeably shorter (especially here at 48 degrees North!) I may even look for the aurora borealis (northern lights) tonight. The sun is still strong during the day, but it is noticeably lower in the mid-day sky than at the beginning of summer – which ends in what? about 10 days!

I’m posting this today as I arrived here and its just that special a place – but I have some experiences to share from the past couple of weeks – Liberty Lake Regional Park, Winona Beach Resort, a GREAT recumbent bicycle dealer in Post Falls, Id, and some more stuff to share – all in due time as I “work” in my outdoors office inbetween paddling sessions & some time on my bike (with its NEW seat.) Oh, and as I mentioned, I scoped out this entire region… so don’t miss my upcoming post on where to camp in Northeastern Washington along the Roosevelt National Recreation Area.
Hey, if you are looking for any RV accessories, I have some great ones recommended through the banner below. You’ll be getting Amazon’s best pricing and helping me to fund this site as well.

I just cooked dinner after a brief paddle. BBQ chicken, sweet potato, beans and a salad. Timing could not have been better – I enjoyed the encroaching darkness as I ate next to the lake, finishing just moments ago, cleaned up and now inside it has started to rain – hard. Yep, its all about timing!
Well, I’m gonna work on the video that you’re now seeing at the top of this page, and then call it a night! Stay in touch, eh? In fact, why not join my mailing list (there’s a form somewhere on my site to enter your first name and email – and if you trust me with that, no worries, I never sell or share my list.
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Al ,
That’s an interesting bicycle you have , what kind is it?
Its called a CruzBike, they’re great machines, you can see them at cruzbike.com and if you decide you want one, I even have a personal discount code! (zCGB68N) – I’m planning a report on this bike soon. Al