Personal Safety and the RV Lifestyle

As I share these thoughts, I’ve been “on the road” now for about 42 months living as a “full time rv’er” and traveling across much of our amazing nation. In that time, I have met many RV’ers, fellow travelers who stay for various lengths of time at their chosen destination and then move onto explore new horizons. I’d characterize most of the folks I’ve met as either older couples or single individuals (of all ages) – naturally there are exceptions, but this is the majority I have encountered. Every individual, couple, or family lives in an RV for their own reasons, some work, some are retired, some work from home.

ALL the folks I’ve met have one common need – personal safety. Of course, this is also true for those living in more traditional homes.

Personal Safety and the RV Lifestyle

Face it, we live in a violent world – even when traveling through rural and remote areas (perhaps ESPECIALLY when you’re in these areas!), travelers face potential risks both in their “home on the road” and in their daily travels. The unfortunate fact is you can run into bad people anywhere – at any time. This leads me to the topic of personal safety or personal defense.

When it comes to personal defense, I want (and need) options.  I’d rather have the option to start with a non-lethal safety solution “on me” at all times – hence the need for what the folks at Patriot Safety Solutions (no longer in business – so, you’re on your own to find this stuff elsewhere) offer. When presented with a threatening situation at my campsite or simply when I’m “out and about”, I’d prefer to – if at all possible – employ a non-lethal solution to disable an attacker. It is towards this end, I want to introduce you to a company, run by a friend, who happens to be an RV’er and is also a retired law enforcement professional. His name is Mark.

Mark started Patriot Safety Solutions – A company dedicated to offering non-lethal safety solutions to both the traveler and non-traveler alike. As a former police officer, he knows the tools offered on his site can be used by anyone and require virtually no training.

Patriot Safety Solutions specializes in NON-lethal personal defense (safety) products – for really anyone, but as a fellow RV’er, he understands the RV lifestyle. I believe most would agree that a non-lethal personal safety solution is both preferable to the use of a gun and is easier to implement.

Here are a few products that are offered by Patriot Safety Solutions

Pepper Spray is easily carried and makes for a great non-lethal personal safety solution – click here and look down the list for “defense sprays”

Personal Safety Product Options

Additional options for personal safety products include handheld (actually kinda sleek) stun guns, tasers, and phazzers (they even look like those used in the original Star Trek!) When you visit the site, look to the left navigation column to find the device you want to learn more about.

personal safety solutions
Stun Guns, Tasers, Phazzers – all viable solutions for Personal Safety. Click here and select the appropriate category in the left navigation column.

Hidden Camera

Something else I thought was really interesting is the concept of a hidden camera – and when I saw one in a watch – AND it records audio, I thought “consider the possibilities”! How often have you wanted to record a conversation (forget about the video aspect!) to insure you have the full story? Interestingly, “one party consent” laws apply federally and in most (39) states. This document further clarifies the law as it applies to in-person conversations and when only “one party” (you) needs to give consent.

hidden camera watch
Yep, a hidden camera watch! From the main page, go to “hidden cameras” on left navigation bar.

When it comes to lethal personal safety solutions, as Americans we have the right to possess and carry guns. Hand guns in most cases require licensing and in all cases training. I was impressed to see Patriot Safety Solutions offers concealed handgun classes and basic pistol classes. From their home page, look down the left for Firearms Training.

Knowing Mark and his heart, I feel comfortable endorsing him and his site (for which I am an affiliate) and I personally will be looking at his solutions for personal safety and plan to act in the coming days and weeks. 

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