Thor makes a move – are Heartland owners safe? Is this isolated to Thor and the RV Industry?

But first… a quick word about a recent excursion into Zion National Park

Currently I’m working on a post that will detail our latest excursions into Kolob Canyon, Zion National Park (Zion Canyon), East Zion and Bryce Canyon National Park. MUCH more to come soon. The post that introduces you to Southern Utah and all these inspiring and amazing places is HERE.

Isaac (my good friend and travel bud) and I spent 3 days exploring Zion in February – an exceptional time of year to visit the National Park! During our hikes and explorations, I took (literally) hundreds of photos and dozens of videos. I’m now compiling it all and hope to have it out to you SOON.

Zion National Park in FEBRUARY

In the interim, enjoy the photos within this post and allow me to share some recent news that impacts the RV industry (and more.) In the following narrative, I’m going to attempt to tie it all together for you –

March 21st recent headlines: Retail sales down – FedEX produces a weak report – Thor RV makes a significant move (or is it?)

As I’m writing you, a few hours ago news broke that FedEX sees trouble ahead. The problem? Shipments are down. The same goes for UPS. FedEX stock reacted negatively (starting 3/20/25.)

Zion Mineral Pool Hike – stay tuned!

Shipments are down because “main street” isn’t doing well – and frankly hasn’t been for years now. Retail sales are down and so are shipments (hence the weak outlook from FedEX.) Weak retail sales means likely layoffs in the near future – which will further impact luxury purchases, including RV’s (recreational vehicles.)

Thor made a structural change – inevitably to save money

Thor (and Forest River) are the two big mega-corporations in the RV industry. Each owns and controls dozens of name brand manufacturers. Incidentally, when I work with my Concierge RV Buying Service Clients, I generally recommend nothing built by either of these mega-corporations.

Thor has a corporate structure where some manufacturers are “direct” to Thor, while others are now structured as subsidiaries. For example, Keystone and Jayco are direct to Thor. Each manufacturer has several companies that answer to Keystone or Jayco and not Thor directly.

What happened to Heartland RV and what does it mean to you?

Heartland (until now) was direct to Thor. It has now been “moved” to become a Jayco subsidiary. This means that Heartland answers most directly to Jayco now. It is likely a cost cutting move. It does not change anything in terms of warranty or support for Heartland RV owners.

Snow on the hillside in East Zion

In all honesty, for the past few years, Heartland (and for that matter ALL Thor brands) are not a great choice for a camper. But, if you own one, effectively for you, nothing has changed.

The fact that Thor did this however is a “peek behind the curtain” allowing us to see that Thor is doing whatever it can to improve their bottom line. (Building a better camper is not on their priority list in my humble opinion!)

RV Sellers continue to struggle – and RV buyers continue to have great opportunities

From my own direct experience with my own Concierge RV clients who are buyers and sellers, I am seeing the RV market continue to demonstrate profound weakness. Sellers are struggling to even sell their camper, let alone get a good price for it. With buyers, my greatest challenge is getting sellers to come around and accept that they’re not going to get the “kings ransom” they believe their “treasure” is worth! But… that’s why my clients engage me to do what I do. You can learn more about my Concierge RV Service HERE.

Need RV Accessories?

Click below for equipment and accessories I’ve personally tested and found great pricing for…

best rv accessories
Click the image to see my recommendations for important
RV Accessories


FedEX is the “canary in the coal mine.” Their “forward guidance” is bleak, meaning they expect shipments to remain depressed. This (of course) does NOT bode well for retail sales and especially so for luxury purchases including RV’s (recreational vehicles.)

About the only factors working FOR the RV industry are boomers reaching retirement and hoping to join the RV lifestyle as travelers, and technology allowing remote workers to remain connected and travel while “on the road.”

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