Thinking of purchasing an RV camper in the near future?

Smoke and Mirror Season Has Arrived… Don’t Fall For It!

Thinking of purchasing a NEW RV Camper?

One word of advice… DON’T! Here’s why…

RV SHOW SEASON (in other words: smoke, mirrors and HYPE) is nearly upon us. The entire experience is orchestrated to make you WANT to plunk down your hard earned money on a camper that will do nothing but depreciate (RAPIDLY) from the moment you take possession.

Oh boy!

Every year, the RV industry hosts numerous RV SHOWS across the nation. Their goal? To unload otherwise unsaleable inventory, to get consumers to fall for “show special pricing”, and to sell largely POORLY CONSTRUCTED RV CAMPERS. Many buyers will sign for a loan that will put them in debt for years to come and in many cases the buyer will be upside down for at least the first 4-5 years of the loan.

Sounds like a GREAT DEAL, right?

Not so much! There are FAR better ways to buy an RV camper – a motorhome, travel trailer, fifth wheel, truck camper, etc. than anything else. Let’s start here…

Note: The photos in this post will be fully explained in my NEXT post –

A visit to Beaver Utah and Beaver Canyon. Enjoy!

Beaver Canyon – Oct 30 2024 – heading towards Kents Lake

In general, I recommend you purchase a USED, NOT A NEW RV Camper

I know, I know, you’ve owned cars and trucks for years (decades?), and you ALWAYS buy new.


There are TWO big differences between vehicles (cars/trucks) and RV’s –

  1. Cars and trucks are typically “daily drivers.” In contrast, RV’s spend much of their lives sitting. Its not unusual to find an RV several years old that is in “like new” condition and…
  2. Used RV campers can be purchased for a FRACTION of the original price. YOU need to know this: RV’s depreciate FAR faster and to a FAR greater degree than almost ANY car or truck.

So… why buy new? With my Concierge RV Buying Clients, we occasionally find a case where buying new is the best decision, but most of the time, used RV campers are the way to go.

There are A LOT of USED RV CAMPERS on the market at this time

Thanks to most folks “personal economy”, there are many RV owners who need to sell their camper. In fact, just a quick look at the most recent JD Power values update on January 1st, used camper values declined significantly.

When working with my clients, my greatest challenge is discussing just how much the value of campers has declined over the past 18 months. I work with both sellers and buyers. When a buyer contacts me and contracts my Concierge Services, I contact sellers on their behalf. My goal is first to learn about the sellers camper to see if its worth pursuing for purchase, then I may make a second contact to negotiate price.

Negotiating price on a used camper is a “fine art”

Negotiating price on a used camper can be tricky, especially with private sellers. First, the seller likely believes their camper is worth far more than it really is. Second, if they still owe on it (to a lender), they’re likely upside down.

In the most egregious case, I was contacted by an owner of a 5th wheel who was looking for me to sell his camper. In our conversation and my subsequent research, I advised him that “on a good day”, I would find a buyer willing to pay $58,000. for his camper. The problem? He owed $90,000! Bottom line… he still owns his camper!

Beaver Canyon – looking towards the main canyon 10/30/24

So, the second issue with sellers is they’re upside down. In many cases by thousands OR tens of thousands of dollars.

In my conversations, I keep a steady tone. Speak facts and support them with data to build credibility and keep the conversation civil. When I speak with a seller, I do everything to maintain their dignity and determine whether I can effectively serve them if they’re looking for me to sell their camper OR if I’m contacting them on behalf of one of my buyers.

Bottom line: Is NOW a good time to purchase an RV camper?

IF you will use it and plan to enjoy the “rv’ing lifestyle” with it, I’d say, YES. In fact, in my experience, there are (at least) 3 great “cases” where you SHOULD purchase an RV and enjoy the “RV lifestyle.”

  • You are a young family with kids who are old enough to gain from and appreciate the experiences you’ll have through RV travel. In my experience, there’s a limited number of years where these experiences can be enjoyed with your kids.
  • You are an older individual or couple. Perhaps you’re retired and wish to enjoy nature and get away from the crowds. You’ve earned it, its time!
  • You are a “mobile professional.” You’re not tied to an office. You can work on the road and enjoy RV travel and nature at the same time. Honestly, its a great lifestyle!
Eagle Point Ski Area – 10/30/24 – 10000 ft

The overall economy continues to sputter…

If now is the right time to buy a camper, the current RV sales market is “on your side.” Simply put, we are in an EXTREME buyers market. As I noted earlier, JD Power continues to reduce used camper values. RV dealers are consolidating and some are just closing their doors. Even with a new administration coming in, I do not expect the economy to turn around. In fact, it may get worse. I’ve discussed this in earlier posts on RV Across America. I encourage you to review these recent articles.

Final Thoughts and help for those looking for a camper (or to sell theirs)…

As mentioned earlier, I offer a Concierge RV Buying and Selling Service. Please feel free to call me (307-269-2546) OR click HERE to learn more. I’m happy to spend some time speaking with you, learning about your goals and perhaps how I can help, assist or “pave the way” to achieving your goals. I also have a thorough group of reviews from my growing list of clients.

In closing, I hope this information proves to be of value. As it is Mid-January, I’m skiing and ski teaching several days each week. When you reach out, I may be able to speak immediately or it may take me a day or so. Either way, I will carve out some time for you!

Please consider signing up for my free newsletter to be notified of upcoming posts, and leave comments below if you have thoughts to share or questions to ask.

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12 thoughts on “Thinking of purchasing an RV camper in the near future?”

  1. Thank you, we are looking to buy an RV bc moving into retirement age. My question is, if there are so many 2024s on the lot are they priced comparable to buying a used one?

    • Lisa, Generally, for 2024’s dealers are still trying to make money on them. What a used camper ACTUALLY sells for depends upon many variables (how much the owner owes on it, how much the owner understands & accepts the current condition of the economy, etc…) In general, for a 2024, since a used camper will NOT come with an RV warranty (if its a motorhome, the engine/drive train) will be covered for the balance of the original warranty) – I recommend some serious “daylight” between the best price we can get on a new one vs. what a used one can be purchased for (NOT what the seller is asking!!)

      Bottom line – call me (307 269 2546) to discuss further and if you see value in my Concierge RV Buying Services, I’ll carry the ball to get you the right camper for your needs at the best possible price. Al

  2. whats going on in Calif. and the new rulings of EV vehicles .? What I heard was that after Mar. 1 2025 we could not purchase RVs over a certain weight unless they were EV. Same thing with big trucks. What your take on this? I was hoping it is all a internet scam

    • Kathy, Unfortunately, it is most definitely NOT an “internet scam” or rumor. It is a move that originated in (surprise!!) California. A few other “states” were radical enough to join them. (See the article linked below for details.) Naturally, the RV industry is fighting this. I do believe there’s been a 3 year delay declared in the implementation of this absurd decision. I can not find articles that tell us not to worry until 2028.

      If you do plan to purchase a vehicle that is banned by one of the nut-bag states, may I suggest a solution? RELOCATE to a state that is not signing onto this extreme agenda. I can tell you this much – I plan to not be personally affected by such legislation and maintain a residence in a state that values FREEDOM! Al

      You can find relevant info here –


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