Bryce Canyon
Coming Soon! Here’s a link to the NPS website –
Coming Soon! Here’s a link to the NPS website –
UNDER CONSTRUCTION– a full report on Zion National Park and Kolob Canyons – photos and video coming soon Zion National Park is actually two separate parks with entrances to each situated about an hour apart. Both are located in Southern Utah. The Zion Canyon section of Zion National Park actually has two entrances – a …
Parowan Utah & Painted Hills RV Resort: An Ideal RV Camper “basecamp” with an central location from which to explore the entire region Painted Hills RV Resort Painted Hills RV Resort is a great place to make your basecamp as you explore Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park and the surrounding region. I should …
What does this mean to YOU? ESPECIALLY if you’re thinking of buying an RV Camper this year… It is no secret that RV dealers have LOTS of “old” BRAND NEW inventory still waiting to be sold on their lots. The RV industry has been “flat on its back” for at least two years now. RV …
Thinking of a TOWABLE RV Camper? You’ll need a TOW VEHICLE (truck? suv?) to pull it. AND… are you considering an RV Travel Trailer or a 5th Wheel RV? Let’s analyze the current RV – and – “tow” VEHICLE buying market from a different perspective… All RV trailers require a capable vehicle to tow them …
As Spring approaches – and the warmth will be welcome!, folks start thinking about purchasing an RV camper. Many decide to finance to fund their purchase. Should they? Should YOU? Is it a wise decision? RV Financing: Some Initial Thoughts An RV Camper is a DEPRECIATING ASSET. That is, RV’s go down in value, almost …
RV Life and RV Travel at its finest… It was October 30th. I had been staying in Beaver, Utah at the “throwback” Beaver Canyon Campground for a few nights. I was in the last stages of my Autumn 2024 travel before heading to Parowan for the winter. Parowan is only 40 miles south, but there …
Smoke and Mirror Season Has Arrived… Don’t Fall For It! Thinking of purchasing a NEW RV Camper? One word of advice… DON’T! Here’s why… RV SHOW SEASON (in other words: smoke, mirrors and HYPE) is nearly upon us. The entire experience is orchestrated to make you WANT to plunk down your hard earned money on …
According to U.S. Energy Information Administration fuel prices are falling – and falling SUBSTANTIALLY. Their data shows that from early May to early December, a 7 month period, gasoline prices have fallen about 17% from 3.80 to 3.16 per gallon. Locally, here in Southern Utah, diesel fuel is down to 2.94/gallon (as of 12/12/24.) In …
If you ride an e-bike with a LITHIUM battery, Mike Sokol of RV Electricity recently shared (via his email newsletter) an incident where the owners of a motorhome experienced a fire that virtually destroyed the camper. Fortunately, no one was injured or killed. The RV’s owners were not home at the time. What happened? The …